Biohazard: Vendetta is an upcoming 2017 computer animated horror adventure film. It is part of the Resident Evil franchise, and will feature the characters Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfield and Rebecca Chambers.[1] It will be the third canonical CG animated tie-in film connected to the video games, after Resident Evil: Degeneration in 2008, followed by Resident Evil: Damnation in...
Biohazard: Vendetta is an upcoming 2017 computer animated horror adventure film. It is part of the Resident Evil franchise, and will feature the characters Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfield and Rebecca Chambers.[1] It will be the third canonical CG animated tie-in film connected to the video games, after Resident Evil: Degeneration in 2008, followed by Resident Evil: Damnation in 2012, and this film will mark the third with Leon as its main character overall. Marza Animation Planet is set to produce the film. [2]
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