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Jonathan Creek: The Clue of the Savant's Thumb:暂无 (您可以嘗試在下方寫下對應集數的評論!)

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《Jonathan Creek: The Clue of the Savant's Thumb暂无》劇情介紹:

Jonathan Creek: The Clue of the Savant's Thumb的劇情簡介   In The Clue of the Savant’s Thumb, Creek and fellow investigator Joey Ross (Sheridan Smith – Accused, Gavin & Stacey) are drawn into a complex case involving a secret society, seemingly supernatural events at a girls’ boarding school, and the miraculous disappearance of a body in front of three witnesses.
  Alan Davies says: “The new story has more than the usual amount of twists... (展開全部)   In The Clue of the Savant’s Thumb, Creek and fellow investigator Joey Ross (Sheridan Smith – Accused, Gavin & Stacey) are drawn into a complex case involving a secret society, seemingly supernatural events at a girls’ boarding school, and the miraculous disappearance of a body in front of three witnesses.
  Alan Davies says: “The new story has more than the usual amount of twists and surprises, and I'm very much looking forward to sleuthing again. I can't wait to join Sheridan Smith>Jonathan Creek: The Clue of the Savant's Thumb的演職員 ( 全部 4 )
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