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雙姝艷 Secret People:BD高清 (您可以嘗試在下方寫下對應集數的評論!)

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《雙姝艷 Secret PeopleBD高清》劇情介紹:

雙姝艷的劇情簡介   In 1930, Maria Brentano and her younger sister Nora flee to London after their father is murdered by a European dictator. Seven years later, during a weekend trip to Paris, Maria unexpectedly meets Louis, her former lover who is now plotting the assassination of the dictator. Maria and Nora become involved in the plan, which goes tragically wrong when the time bomb they plant k... (展開全部)   In 1930, Maria Brentano and her younger sister Nora flee to London after their father is murdered by a European dictator. Seven years later, during a weekend trip to Paris, Maria unexpectedly meets Louis, her former lover who is now plotting the assassination of the dictator. Maria and Nora become involved in the plan, which goes tragically wrong when the time bomb they plant kills an innocent bystander. 雙姝艷的演職員 ( 全部 41 )
  • 梭羅德狄金森 導演
  • 瓦倫蒂娜格特斯 演員
  • 塞爾日雷吉亞尼 演員
  • 查理戈德納 演員
  • 奧黛麗赫本 演員
  • 梅格斯詹金斯 演員
雙姝艷的圖片 ( 添加視頻評論|圖片54添加 )


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