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大廚餐桌:第1集 (您可以嘗試在下方寫下對應集數的評論!)

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In two years Chef’s Table brought us the culinary wisdom of 22 acclaimed chefs from all over the world who work and head the best restaurants with a sky-full of Michelin stars among them. The documentary series took us from Russia and Peru to South Korea and Japan to discover what inspires and motivates these talented people, their personal and professional journeys. The series is not only insightful, it is absolutely stunning and captivating to the eye. It’s not surprising the series has won an International Documentary Association Award and has been nominated for three Primetime Emmy Awards. Season 4 of Chef’s Table, which has just been announced by Netflix for April 13, 2018, will be a lot sweeter as this time the acclaimed docu-series will focus on renowned pastry chefs


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